S.R.P.S. celebrated the English Language by organising an English week (from 10th to 14th Nov. 2017) wherein many literacy competitions were held and English-related activities were organized.
Day 1:
On the first day, it was “Spell Bee Competition” for the class I–V and “Spell on Board Competition” for class VI-IX. Students took active participation in the competition. From primary section, Grade 3 was the winner and among the seniors, Grade 9 won.
Day 2:
The second day witnessed “Riddles and Tongue Twisters” for grades 1-9. Students took active participation in the competition and it was wonderful to see the energetic enthusiasm of the participants.
Day 3:
On 13th July, there was a “Story Narration Competition” for grades 1-9.Students took active participation in the competition. The competitions were enjoyed equally by the listening audience and the participants. From Primary, Himalaya house and from seniors, Aravali house was the winner.
Day 4:
Being the fourth day it was “Dumb Charades” for the class I –IX. Students took active participation in the competition and latent talents were aroused.
Day 5: Closing Ceremony
The English week drew to a close in which senior students presented melodious English Songs and junior students presented Recitation with actions.
The week had been a truly inspiring, informative and entertaining one, and though everyone felt it was regrettably short, they also emerged, wiser and more knowledgeable about English – a true celebration of the most widely spoken language in the world.Winners were honoured by Principal.